Course Summary

This course explores the fundamental concepts and engineering processes of software development and testing to produce software that is designed for security. This course is intended as a senior-level course for computational majors such as computer science and computer engineering since it covers the exploitation of programs based on computer architecture, systems, and software concepts.


  • CMPSC 443: Introduction to Computer and Network Security


No textbook required for this course.


Instructor: Gang Tan; Westgate W358

Email: gtan AT psu DOT edu

Office hours: Weds 1:30-3pm or by appointment

TA: Yongzhe Huang. Office hours: Tuesdays 2-3:30pm at Westgate W355

Learning Assistant: Anish Prasad Paranjpe. Office hours: Thursdays 2--3:30pm at the table outside Westgate W204.

Course syllabus

See the PDF file

Time and location

TTh 10:35-11:50am; Chambers Bldg 111