Sean Hallgren Contact:
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
The Pennsylvania State University
350W Westgate Building
University Park, PA 16802
(814) 863-1265
(814) 865-3176 (f)
I'm a Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at Penn State
University. Prior to coming to Penn State, I was a Senior
Research Staff Member and Head of the Quantum Information
Technology group at NEC Laboratories in Princeton. Before
that I was an NSF Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Fellow at
Caltech and the Institute for Quantum Information, and a
postdoctoral fellow at the Mathematical Sciences Research
Institute in Berkeley. I have a Ph.D. in computer science
from the University of California, Berkeley, and a B.S. in
computer science from Carnegie Mellon University.
Limitations of the
Macaulay matrix approach for using the HHL algorithm to solve
multivariate polynomial systems, with Jintai
Ding, Vlad Gheorghiu, Andras Gilyen, and Jianqiang Li.
Computing endomorphism
rings of supersingular elliptic curves and connections to
path-finding in isogeny graph problems, with Kirsten Eisenträger, Chris Leonardi, Travis
Morrison, and Jennifer Park.
On basing one-way
permutations on NP-hard problems under quantum reductions, with Nai-Hui Chia and Fang Song,
4, 312(2020), link.
Talk at QCRYPT 2018, arxiv.
Supersingular isogeny
graphs and endomorphism rings: reductions and solutions, with Kirsten Eisenträger, Kristin Lauter, Travis
Morrison, and Christophe Petit,