CSE597E Visual Salience Seminar
CSE Department, Penn State University
Faculty Facilitator: Robert Collins
Spring 2007

Schedule: Wed 12:30-3:20PM IST 223B

Jan 17: Course Introduction
Collins Intro to seminar topics   [slides]   [6 per page]
Jan 24: Models of Attention
Zhaozheng A Feature-Integration Theory of Attention,  Treisman and Gelade, Cognitive Psychology 1980
Weina Computational Modeling of Spatial Attention,  Mozer and Sitton, book chapter in Attention UCL Press, 1998
Seungkyu Computational Modeling of Visual Attention,   Itti and Koch, Nature Reviews: Neuroscience, 2001
Minwoo A Saliency-based Search Mechanism for Overt and Covert Shits of Visual Attention,   Itti and Koch, Vision Research, 2000
David A Model of Saliency-Based Visual Attention for Rapid Scene Analysis   Itti,Koch and Niebur, PAMI, 1998
Jan 31 : Spatial vs Object-based Attention
Roberto Visuospatial Attention: Beyond a Spotlight Model,  Cave and Bichot, Psych. Bulletin & Review 1999
Chu-Fang fMRI Evidence for Objects as the Units of Attentional Selection,  O'Craven et.al., Nature 1999
Tusher Spatial Attention and Object-based Attention: A Comparison Within a Single Task  Soto and Blanco, Vision Research 2004
Tony, Charanya The CODE Theory of Visual Attention: An Integration of Space-Based and Object-Based Attention,  Logan, Psychological Review 1996
Feb 7 : Overt Attention (Eye Gaze) and Applications
Minwoo Covert Shifts of Attention Preceed Involuntary Eye Movements,  Peterson, Kramer and Irwin, Perception&Psychophysics 2004
Seungkyu Realistic Avatar Eye and Head Animation using a Neurobiological Model of Visual Attention,  Itti, Dhavale and Pighin, Proc SPIE 2004
David A Context-Dependent Attention System for a Social Robot  Breazeal and Scassellati, IJCAI 1998. AND How to Build Robots that Make Friends and Influence People  Breazeal and Scassellati, IEEE RSJ 1999.
Zhaozheng Abstract Painterly Renderings using Eye Tracking Data,  Santella and DeCarlo, NPAR Symposium 2000. AND Stylization and Abstraction of Photographs,  DeCarlo and Santella, SIGGRAPH 2002.
Feb 21 : Computer Vision: Local Features for Object Recognition
Charanya Saliency, Scale and Image Description,  Kadir and Brady, IJCV 45(2):83-105, 2001.
Chu-Fang Distinctive image features from scale-invariant keypoints,  Lowe, IJCV 60(2):91-110, 2004.
Weina A new biologically motivated framework for robust object recognition,  Serre et.al., AI Memo #2004-026 2004.
Tony Robust wide baseline stereo from maximally stable extremal regions,  Matas et.al., BMVC p. 384-393, 2002.
Roberto A comparison of affine region detectors,  Mikolajczyk et.al., IJCV 65(1/2):43-72, 2005.
Feb 28 : Object Recognition, the Great Debate: 3D vs View-based
David Representation and recognition of the spatial organization of three dimensional structure,  Marr and Nishihara, Proc.Roy.Soc.London B, Vol.200:269-294, 1978.
Weina Recognizing depth-rotated objects: A review of recent research and theory,  Biederman, Spatial Vision, 13:241-253, 2000.
Zhaozheng Image-based object recognition in man, monkey, and machine,  Tarr&Bulthoff, Cognition, 67(1/2):1-20, 1998.
Seungkyu Distortion invariant object recognition in the dynamic link architecture,  Lades et.al., IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol 42:300–311., 1993.
Mar 7 : Stereo Perception
Tony The Stereoscope and Photographic Depiction in the 19th Century,  Silverman, Technology and Culture, Vol 34(4):729-756, Oct.1993
Roberto Binocular Depth Perception without Familiarity Cues,  Julesz, Science, Vol.145(3630):356-362, 1964.
Chu-Fang Perception of multiple transparent planes in stereo vision,  Weinshall, Nature, Vol.341, pp.737-739, 26 Oct 1989.
Bob Real-time tracking of multiple people using stereo,  Beymer and Konolige, ICCV Wkshp on Frame-Rate Vision, 1999.
Mar 14 : ***Spring Break. No Class***
Mar 28 : Indirect Perception
Excerpts from Irvin Rock's book "Indirect Perception", MIT Press, 1997, ISBN 0262181770
Minwoo chapter 1, The Concept of Indirect Perception,  Irvin Rock.
Zhaozheng chapter 9, Orientation and Form,  Irvin Rock.
Weina chapter 13, Symmetry Based on Figure Halves,  Janet Szylk, Irvin Rock and Celia Fisher.
Seungkyu chapter 14, The Perception of Movement,  Irvin Rock.
April 4: Salient Motion and Video Attention
David Detecting Salient Motion by Accumulating Directionally Consistent Flow,  Wixson, PAMI, Vol.22(8), pp:774, 2000.
Tony An Evaluation of Motion in Artificial Selective Attention,  Draper, CVPR, 2005, pp 85-92.
Chu-Fang A Principled Approach to Detecting Surprising Events in Video,  Itti and Baldi, CVPR, pp. 631-637, Jun 2005. . AND Bayesian Surprise Attracts Human Attention,  NIPS 2005, pp:1-8.
Charanya Detecting Irregularities in Images and in Video,  Boiman and Irani, ICCV 2005.
April 11: no class.
April 18: student presentations on their ICCV paper submissions
April 25: Natural Image Statistics
Tony Vision and the Coding of Natural Images ,  Olhausen and Field, American Scientist, Vol.88(3), pp:238, 2000. AND Sparse coding of sensory inputs,  Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2004, pp:481–487.
Bob Occlusion Models for Natural Images: A Statistical Study of a Scale-Invariant Dead Leaves Model,  Lee, Mumford and Huang, IJCV, 2001, pp 35–59.
Chu-Fang Statistical correlations between two-dimensional images and three-dimensional structures in natural scenes,  Potetz and Lee, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, pp. 1292-1303, July 2003.
Charanya Image-based Rendering using Image-based Priors ,  Fitzgibbon, Wexler, and Zisserman, ICCV 2003 (Marr Prize).
May 2 : Gists, Scene and Object Recognition
Weina Indoor-Outdoor Image Classification,  Szummer and Picard, IEEE Wkshp Content-based Access of Image and Video Databases, Jan 1998.
Seungkyu Statistics of Natural Image Categories,  Torralba and Oliva, Network: Computation in Neural Systems, 14 (2003) pp.391-412.
Zhaozheng Object Detection and Localization using Local and Global Features,  Murphy etal., in Toward Category-Level Object Recognition, Springer Verlag, 2006, pp:382–400.
David Dataset Issues in Object Recognition,  Ponce etal., in Toward Category-Level Object Recognition, Springer Verlag, 2006, pp.29-48.