
The SOS lab is currently having the following talented PhD students

  • Michael Norris (PhD student, since fall '17)
  • Yongzhe Huang (PhD student, since fall '19)
  • Ashish Kumar (PhD student, since fall '19)
  • Xiaodong Jia (PhD student, since fall '19)
  • Jialun Zhang (PhD student, since fall '21)
  • Monika Santra (PhD student, since fall '22)

PhD Alumni

Postdoc Alumni

  • Zhen Huang (Postdoc, 2018-2019, now Assistant Professor at DePaul University)
  • Zhiyuan Wan (Postdoc, 2015; now working for Zhejiang University)
  • Suman Saha (Postdoc, co-supervised with Greg Morrisett, 2013; now Assistant Professor at Penn State Altoona)

MS Alumni

  • Qing Gong (MS student, 2019); Thesis: Extending Parallel Datalog with Lattice.
  • Anish Prasad Paranjpe (MS student, 2019); Thesis: Bohemia: a Validator For Parser Frameworks.
  • Hao Li (MS student, 2018); Thesis: System Call Trace Based Probabilistic Program Modeling for Exploitation Detection.
  • Ashley Huhman (MS student, 2018); Thesis: Binary-Level Type Inference Using Datalog.
  • Sheng-Hsiu Lin (MS student, from fall '14 to May 2015); Thesis: Alias Analysis in LLVM.
  • Joseph Siefers (MS student, now work at Goldman Sachs); Thesis: Robusta: Taming the native beast of the JVM.

Notable Undergraduate Alumni

  • Matt Kilgore (Undergraduate research assistant, Summer 2013, winner of Honorable Mention of 2015 CRA's Outstanding Undergraduate Award; now a PhD student at MIT)
  • Jason Croft (Undergrad, winner of Honorable Mention of 2009 CRA's Outstanding Undergraduate Award; now a PhD student at UIUC)

Recent Collaborators (last 5 years)

Group Photos

2021 Group Dinner
2021 holiday dinner
2022 CoE
2022 CoE gathering