(6/2024) Honored to receive a distinguished paper award for paper V-Star: Learning Visibly Pushdown Grammars from Program Inputs" at PLDI 2024. Congratulations to my student Xiaodong Jia.
(6/2024) Our DARPA proposal “VeriPro: Verified Probabilistic Cognitive Reasoning for Tactical Mixed Reality Systems” is funded by the DARPA ICS program. Really excited to lead this large multi-discriplinary team. Look forward to working with colleagues from Penn State (Bin Li and Jonathan Dodge) and collaborators from the George Washington University, Northeastern U., Design Interactive, USC, and the Kennesaw State U. Thanks, DARPA!
(5/2024) Honored to help organize AppelFest. Thanks for all you have done for your sutdents (including me!) and the PL research community, Andrew!
(4/2024) Paper “V-Star: Learning Visibly Pushdown Grammars from Program Inputs”“” accepted by PLDI 2024.
(11/2023) Honored to receive Penn State College of Engineering’s Outstanding Research Award.
(11/2023) Delivered an invited talk at Binghamton U. on Debugging Machine Learning for Fairness.
(10/2023) Delivered an invited talk at U. of Wisconsin at Madison on declartive analysis of binary code.
(10/2023) Congratulations to Sun Hyoung Kim, who finished his PhD with thesis “Practical Static Binary Analysis with Black Memory Model”.
(7/2023) Honored to become a program co-chair of 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Secure and Private Execution Environment Design (SEED) with Prof. Nael B. Abu-Ghazaleh at UC Riverside. Submissions are welcome; deadline: Oct 27th.
(7/2023) Honored to become a co-director of INSR (Institute for Networking and Security Research) with Prof. Guohong Cao.
(7/2023) Paper “Quantifying and mitigating cache side channel leakage with differential set” accepted by OOPSLA 2023.
(5/2023) Paper “DISV: Domain Independent Semantic Validation of Data Files” won best paper award at Langsec 2023.
(5/2023) NSF project “Precise and Robust Binary Reverse Engineering and its Applications” funded.
(4/2023) NSF project “Detecting and Localizing Non-Functional Vulnerabilities in Machine Learning Libraries” funded; with Saeid Tizpaz-Niari at ET El Paso.
(4/2023) Paper “Interval Parsing Grammars for File Format Parsing” accepted by PLDI 2023.
(3/2023) We are glad to open source our implementation of BPA for our NDSS 2021 paper “Refining indirect call targets at the binary level”.
(3/2023) Paper “LibScan: Towards More Precise Third-Party Library Identification for Android Applications” accepted by Usenix Security 2023.
(12/2022) Paper “Information-theoretic testing and debugging of fairness defects in deep neural networks” accepted by ICSE 2023.
(6/2022) Paper “Ksplit: Automating device driver isolation” accepted by OSDI 2022. (Open source access; PSU news release)
(12/2021) Paper “Fairness-aware configuration of machine learning libraries” accepted by ICSE 2022.
(12/2021) Congratulations to Dongrui, who finished his PhD with thesis “Evaluating the Attack Surface of Control Flow Integrity”.
(12/2021) Paper “The taming of the stack: Isolating stack data from memory errors” accepted by NDSS 2022.
(8/2021) Papers (“A derivative-based parser generator for visibly pushdown grammars” and “SpecSafe: Detecting cache side channels in a speculative world”) accepted to OOPSLA 2021.
(5/2021) Congratulations to Robert, who finished his PhD with thesis “Detecting and Mitigating Cache-based Side-Channels”.
(6/2021) We are glad to release an upgrade of our Program-Dependence Graph (PDG) construction module to LLVM 10.0.
(12/2020) Paper “Refining Indirect Call Targets at the Binary Level” accepted by NDSS 2021.
(7/2020) Joining DARPA’s ISAT study group (news release).
(4/2020) Congratulations to Shen, who finished his PhD with thesis “Quantitative Privilege Separation with Pointer Supports”.
(3/2020) VEE best paper award for paper “Lightweight Kernel Isolation with Virtualization and VM Functions”; in collaboration with Vikram Narayanan and Anton Burtsev (UC Irvine) and Trent Jaeger.
(10/2019) Keynote talk at IoT S&P workshop [slides].
(10/2019) We are glad to release an upgrade of our Program-Dependence Graph (PDG) construction module to LLVM 9.0.
(9/2019) Darpa project “Secure Handling of Isolated Executables without Leaking Data (SHIELD)” funded; subcontractor to Perspecta Labs.
(8/2019) Paper “Program-mandering: Quantitative Privilege Separation” accepted by 2019 ACM Computer and Communications Security (CCS).
(8/2019) NSF project “Automated IoT Safety and Security Analysis and Synthesis” funded; with Patrick McDaniel.
(6/2019) Darpa project “SPARTA:the Secure Parser Toolkit for Assurance” funded; subcontractor to Galois Inc. [Penn State news release].
(5/2019) We are glad to release the source code of an LLVM 5.0 module for Program-Dependence Graph (PDG) construction.
(1/2019) Paper “Using Safety Properties to Generate Vulnerability Patches” accepted by 2019 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland).