I am the Dorothy Quiggle Associate Professor in Engineering in the CSE Department at Pennsylvania State University. My research interests include randomized algorithms, Markov chain Monte Carlo, spin systems, learning, testing, and applications in statistical physics and computational biology.
Postdoctoral Fellow, 2016-2018
Georgia Tech
PhD in Computer Science, 2016
UC Berkeley
BS in CS/Math, 2011
Georgia Tech
Mean-field Potts and random-cluster dynamics
from high-entropy initializations
A. Blanca, R. Gheissari and X. Zhang
In submission
Rapid mixing of global Markov chains via spectral independence: the unbounded degree case
A. Blanca and X. Zhang
On the tractability of sampling from the Potts model at low temperatures via Swendsen-Wang dynamics
A. Blanca and R. Gheissari
Probability Theory and Related Fields, 2024. To appear.
FOCS 2023
Complexity of high-dimensional identity testing with coordinate
conditional sampling
A. Blanca, Z. Chen, D. Stefankovic and E. Vigoda
ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 2024. To appear.
COLT 2023
Fast and perfect sampling of subgraphs and polymer systems
A. Blanca, S. Cannon and W. Perkins
ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 2023, 20(1), pp. 1-30
Sampling from Potts on random graphs of unbounded degree via random-cluster dynamics
A. Blanca and R. Gheissari
Annals of Applied Probability, 2023, 33(6B), pp. 4997-5049
The minimizer Jaccard estimator is biased and inconsistent
M. Belbasi, A. Blanca, R. Harris, D. Koslicki and P. Medvedev
ISMB 2022
On mixing of Markov chains: coupling, spectral independence, and entropy factorization
A. Blanca, P. Caputo, Z. Chen, D. Parisi, D. Stefankovic and E. Vigoda
Electronic Journal of Probability, 2022, 27(142), pp. 1-42.
SODA 2022
The critical mean-field Chayes-Machta dynamics
A. Blanca, A. Sinclair and X. Zhang
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 2022 31(6), pp. 924-975.
The Swendsen-Wang dynamics on trees
A. Blanca, Z. Chen, D. Stefankovic and E. Vigoda
Random Structures & Algorithms, 2023, 62(4): pp. 791-831
Random-cluster dynamics on random regular graphs in tree uniqueness
A. Blanca and R. Gheissari
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2021, 386, pp. 1243-1287.
Entropy decay in the Swendsen-Wang dynamics on Z^d
A. Blanca, P. Caputo, D. Parisi, A. Sinclair and E. Vigoda
Annals of Applied Probability, 2021, 32(2), 1018-1057.
STOC 2021
The statistics of k-mers from a sequence undergoing a simple mutation process without spurious matches
A. Blanca, R. Harris, D. Koslicki and P. Medvedev
Journal of Computational Biology, 2022, 29(2), pp. 155-168.
Hardness of identity testing for Restricted Boltzmann Machines and Potts models
A. Blanca, Z. Chen, D. Stefankovic and E. Vigoda
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2021, 22(152):1−56.
COLT 2020
Random-cluster dynamics in Z^2: rapid mixing with general boundary conditions
A. Blanca, R. Gheissari and E. Vigoda
Annals of Applied Probability, 2020, 30 (1), pp. 418-459.
Lower bounds for testing graphical models: colorings and antiferromagnetic Ising models
I. Bezakova, A. Blanca, Z. Chen, D. Stefankovic and E. Vigoda
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2020, 21(25), pp. 1−62.
COLT 2019
Swendsen-Wang dynamics for general graphs in the tree uniqueness region
A. Blanca, Z. Chen and E. Vigoda
Random Structures & Algorithms, 2020, 56 (2), pp. 373-400.
Sampling in Uniqueness from the Potts and random-cluster models on random regular graphs
A. Blanca, A. Galanis, L.A. Goldberg, D. Stefankovic, E. Vigoda and K. Yang
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 2020, 34 (1), pp. 742-793.
Structure learning of H-colorings
A. Blanca, Z. Chen, D. Stefankovic and E. Vigoda
ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 2020, 16(3), pp. 1-28.
ALT 2018 -
Best Paper Award
Spatial mixing and non-local Markov chains
A. Blanca, P. Caputo, A. Sinclair and E. Vigoda
Random Structures & Algorithms, 2019, 55(3), pp. 584-614.
SODA 2018
Phase coexistence for the hard-core model on Z^2
A. Blanca, Y. Chen, D. Galvin, D. Randall and P. Tetali
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 2018, pp. 1-22.
Random-cluster dynamics in Z^2
A. Blanca and A. Sinclair
Probability Theory and Related Fields, 2017, 168 (3), pp. 821-847.
SODA 2016
Dynamics for the mean-field random-cluster model
A. Blanca and A. Sinclair
Phase coexistence and slow mixing for the hard-core model on Z^2
A. Blanca, D. Galvin, D. Randall and P. Tetali
On universal cycles for new classes of combinatorial structures
A. Blanca and A.P. Godbole
SIAM Journal on Discrete Math, 2011, 25 (4), pp. 1832-1842.
Fall 2024: CSE 565 - Algorithm Design and Analysis
Fall 2023: CMPSC 465 - Data Structures and Algorithms
Spring 2023: CMPSC 497 - Advanced Algorithms
Fall 2022: CSE 565 - Algorithm Design and Analysis
Spring 2022: CSE 597 - The Markov chain Monte Carlo method
Fall 2021: CMPSC 465 - Data Structures and Algorithms
Spring 2021: CSE 562 - Probabilistic Algorithms
Fall 2020: CSE 565 - Algorithm Design and Analysis
Fall 2019: CMPSC 465 - Data Structures and Algorithms
Spring 2019: CSE 562 - Probabilistic Algorithms